Using Price Levels to Maximise Profit


RFMS provides you with up to 12 price levels for all your products and services. What might you use them for?

  • RRP will be your full retail price with no discounts. Use this price for small jobs where no discount can be justified.

  • Discount levels based on metres in the job. If RRP is jobs under 7 metres, level 2 might be 7.1-15 metres; level 3 might be 15.1-25 metres and level 4 might be 25.1 metres plus. In this way you are controlling the levels of discount handed out by the sales team.

  • If you have a price agreement with a builder, you can have a price level reflecting that arrangement.

  • Similarly, you might have an arrangement with a Real Estate company or an Insurance company. You can use price levels to ensure that these clients consistently receive the agreed pricing.

  • If you have a policy for staff pricing, you can have a price level for that sole purpose.

  • If you want to put a price on a sample being loaned out, you can issue a sample docket showing that cost in the event it is not returned.

Some other points to know about price levels:

  • You can restrict access to price levels.

  • You can further restrict salespeople from entering any price other than those they have access to. If they want to vary the price, RFMS will require a management override.

  • Pricing is not done on a product by product basis. Through the RFMS pricing tools, you apply a formula for each price level.

  • You can connect a customer to their appropriate price level. If you have a price level for Bloggs Builders, you set it in their customer record and from that point on, orders and quotes will default to the correct price level.

Price levels are a powerful tool to control your pricing, and to increase your margin. Let us know if you would like some further information, or some assistance to get going with them.