Quantifying Tiles - Area v Tile Count Calculations
A client recently reported being short on a tile project. It was a custom tile, so they ordered the number of tiles required for the project. In the tile product, they specified not allowing rotation and used the number of tiles on the Worksheet for their order.
There are two calculation methods for tile; Area, and Tile Count. These are accessed under the Room tab:
Our client used the calculation method of Area, but did not allow a waste factor. As detailed in the Measure window, Area uses only the area of the room/s and the size of the tile to generate tile numbers. The expectation is that the user will add their own waste factor. Had they used Tile Count, Measure would have counted each tile taking into consideration the requirement that tile rotation was not permitted. Even when using Tile Count as the calculation method, it is prudent to add a waste factor.
In the majority of cases, particularly larger commercial projects, the recommended calculation method is Area, with the user adding a waste factor taking into consideration the factors that impact waste; tile size, and shape and size of areas to be tiled.
If you quantify tiles, it’s good to know that there are two calculation methods and the differences between the two.
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